Sopra Steria Merch Delivery!

2025-01-30 1 min read General Barny Baron

Journey: 📊 Employment 📊

Subject matter: 💡 Sopra Steria Merch Delivery! 💡

🔔 Swag alert! 🔔

I got a knock at the door this week, and it was a delivery for Mr Baron! A rectangular box the size of a DVD case. I wasn’t expecting a delivery so I had a look for any postmarks but didn’t find anything that gave it away.

What could it be?


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SSCL Week One Merch Delivery!

2024-09-08 1 min read General Barny Baron

Journey: 📊 Employment 📊

Subject matter: 💡 SSCL Week One Merch Delivery! 💡

🔔 Swag alert! 🔔

Week one of working at SSCL has flown by with inductions and mandatory training aplenty! I have been made to feel very welcome and have had some excellent conversations.

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Year 1 Builders Merch Delivery!

2024-05-03 1 min read General Barny Baron

Journey: 📊 Community Builder 📊

Subject matter: 💡 Year 1 Merch 💡

When I was selected to be a member of the AWS Community Builders program, I didn’t realise quite how excited I would get about one particular thing…

Swag. That is… AWS swag.

As an IT company, they really know how to do merch.

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